2005-11-10 12:28 AM
relationship between PA0-7, PB0-7,.. pins and data ports A,B,...
2005-11-08 10:00 PM
I use ST7FMC2. We have to choose a packadge. (44, 64,80 pins) 1. Is there a relationship between the pin name PA0,.. to data register Port A ? 2. I saw that the different between 64 and 80 pins is pins PH0-7, PG0-7. What is the additions between 44 to 64 ? (I saw that there is PA3,PA5 in the 44 pins, but there isn't PA0,1,2,4,6,7. Can it be ?) 3. How do I choose between different functions of a specific pin ? for example in 64 pins, pin PA5 is also ARTIC1 and AIN1, so if I don't use the PWM-ART and the ADC then PA5 is free ? 4. if the answer above is yes, then because each Px0..Px7 is combined with alternate function, and for motor control we use PWM, MTC, ADC, then no GPIO left free. Isn't it ? 5. So the correct way to work is to sit with pan and paper, mark all the pin that I use, see what left, and only then set the PDDR, POR registers ? Do I have to set also the in/out direction also if the pin use for PWM and not for PA5 for example ? Can you help ? Thanks a lot Oren2005-11-09 6:13 AM
yes it's possible In any uc, not all port bits are available on pins; then can be occurs that i.e. PA0 are not connetted on phisical pad due the package choice. By2005-11-10 12:28 AM
not all pins has to be bonded out to the physical pins on the package. You should chose right package selection in the option byte. This will set unbonded pins to input with pull up after RESET. You should keep this setting afterwards, or you can change it to output as well. But keep same procedure of the setting, like for bonded IO - see datasheet about IO pins. There are several GPIO, shared with so called ''alternate function''. If you want to use this AF, thats clear that this pin should not be used as GP, when this AF is used... once AF is activated (output function), it will overtake controll of the pin. Please, see , chapter IO. Maybe it will help you... Bye Setler