2008-06-13 5:35 AM
2008-05-18 2:27 PM
Sorry Let me give you a stupid question.
I connectedhttp://www.frozeneskimo.com/electronics/wp-content/uploads/Schematics/jtagwigglersch.png
a cpu STR711FR2 but now what software should I use? I used H-JTAG see cpu ARM7TDMI 0x3f0f0f0f but then as programming internal flash? which should set parameters in H-FLASHER? or there is another program easier to use? please c'è some Italian can help me? thank you Umberto2008-05-18 10:45 PM
I am using OpenOCD for programming flash memory of STR710 via a wiggler JTAG interface. It might be tricky to set up, but it works.
2008-06-12 9:30 PM
Dear volius could you explain and/or send me configuration files for OpenOCD.
I also use STR710 and I'm try to programm with wiggler cable. Thanks.2008-06-13 5:35 AM
You should consult the docs that come with OpenOCD. That's what I did, anyway. In short, there are several steps involved:
1) From command line, switch to OpenOCD bin directory and launch ''openocd-pp.exe -f config\str71x.cfg'' (most likely I misspelled the file names, find them in your OpenOCD setup) 2) From another console box, connect to OpenOCD with a telnet client: ''telnet 4444'' 3) Now you have the OpenOCD command line. The command ''flash erase 0 0 9'' will erase all 10 sectors. The command ''flash write_binary ...'' will program a binary image. ''help'' gives a list of commands. ''help flash'' gives info on flash commands. It is possible to automate those things with a script. I might have modified the default .cfg file, can't remember. I downloaded OpenOCD from YAGARTO home page.