2007-06-18 3:12 AM
problems executing a program downloaded with IAP driver
2007-06-13 5:18 AM
I have been working since few days trying to develop an IAP driver for my STR7 of my board. I have a CrossStudio ( from Rowley ) platform and I have tried to adapt the AN2078 program from ST to CrossStudio, however after having a lot of problems of complitation, I decided to use IDEaliST platform just to compile the project and use Crossconect tool ( from Rowley ) to download the IAP_driver.hex file. So, at this moment, I can compile and build the project ( IAP v2.0) with IDEaliST. I also generate a file IAP_driver.hex. Using Crossconect I download the .hex file. The IAP driver looks it works fine, I mean: 1) If generate Reset with P1.2 (in my case ) , the program is doing nothing 2)If I generate a Reset with P1.2 pressed, I can access to IAP driver menu. With this window, I can download a binary file ( just a simple program to switch on-off leds of my board). OPTION 1. However, after once I downloaded the program, if I choose OPTION2 ( Execute New Program) - nothing happens !!!! I mean, the new program it is not executed and the only thing that happens is IAP Drive Menu appears another time. Any ideas what can happen ? Jordi2007-06-13 9:23 PM
Hello Jordif,
Could you please tell me: - if after reset, your program,, already loaded using IAP, is executed or no? - if program is not executed only when using option2 (pressing 2)? - what is the size of the IAP program? It will be helpful if you attach your IAP project to check it? Regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 14-06-2007 10:40 ]2007-06-18 3:12 AM
Problem solved: the binary files that we want to download via Serial Bus, have to be build using a Flash menory that starts at 0x4000200.
Thanks for your help