2004-01-11 4:56 PM
Problems compiling with ST9PlusV6.1.8
2011-05-17 2:35 AM
Dear Sirs, I have some problems using ST9PlusV6.1.8.
In particular I can't correctly compile any one of the published examples and exercises or any one of the examples posted in this forum. I just copied the project files in a directory, i open the workspace and I launch a rebuild_all but the following message: run.mak:66: pippo.dep: No such file or directory Is displayed in the output window. But the *.dep file is correctly generated and present in the directory. No .hex file is generated. Also the following line is displayed in output window: Build succeeded. -------------------------------- The make file contains the following commands: APPLI = pippo .... DEP = $(APPLI).dep .... include $(APPLI).dep .... I'm using Windows 2000 OS on my laptop. I noticed that each one of the examples i tried to compile had the .hex file zipped along with the entire project and so I'have to conclude that this is just related to my ST9PlusV6.1.8 installation... Some Ideas? Thank you in advance.2011-05-17 2:35 AM
Its normal to get this message. It comes b'coz in the beginning any existing .dep .o .hex .lis or .map files are deleted when you ask for a rebulid. And then it regenerates all these files. This is the reason you see .dep file nicely generated in your project folder. So as long as you see build suceedded message in the end. Your build was successful.
You can try again by deleting all the existing .dep .o .hex .lis .map and .u files in your project folder and then asking for a rebuild ; to be more sure. Ritu