2006-07-11 9:52 PM
Problem with IAP-Programming driver using KEIL UVISION3 (AN 2078)
2006-03-19 8:12 PM
I tried to test the new IAP-Programming example. The compilation and the start of the program is ok. and the menu on the HYPER-Terminal appears. After Pressing 1 the string for downloading the file appears in the HYPER-Terminal window. But when I trie to download a file I nothing happens. After about 30 seconds the message '' keine Antwort vom Remotecomputer ''appears on the HYPER-Terminal Window and I get an undefined Interrupt on the ARM-Controller. I use the STR710FZ2 can you give some Information what could be wrong. As attachment the keil-project-file thanks maenni ________________ Attachments : iap_prog.Uv2 : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtOd&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aPP%2FgQbppGIaiyX3iBUqO7CVAXUwD7PI7phiu2qZIW8aNgk&asPdf=false2006-05-29 2:16 PM
I am using the same STR710 chip + KEIL UV3 as you, and
I have the same problem. Let me know if you come up with something news. I am presently tryint to get KEIL to help out. JIMMY2006-05-29 10:06 PM
In the meantime my IAP-Driver works. I have changed the Compiler-options from Keil to RealView-compiler. You must create a new project, load the flash programm in RAM and use the scatter file. Hope this will help you. For more information see application notes on Keil web-site. Maenni But my problem is the application running at 0x40002000 when using interrupts. I asked Keil for a little demo, but I got no answer.2006-05-30 9:24 PM
I have similar Problems with running bootloader and application. My application starts at 0x40008000 and no Interrupt is working. I have contact Keil support and the tell me, that I have to do the vector remapping by hand. So I insert in application: int main(void) { // activate RAM-Mapping PCU->BOOTCR |= 0x02; // copie vector table and some startup code memcpy((void*)0x00000000, (void *)0x40008000,????? ); ... } The question is how much code I have to copie. The vector table only (32Byte) doesn't work. I have tried several numbers of bytes, it works with 192 (0xC0), but I don't know if that is the correct number. Does anyone else know how many bytes I have to copie? Thanks Porthos2006-06-27 10:19 PM
Until this moment I have no answer to my problem. Has anyone solved the problem ? It would be kind if I could get some help Best regards Manfred2006-07-10 4:46 AM
Hi Zouhair,
I have check the Example. The problem is that Keil use an own Startup file (STR71x.s) which I can't replace with your 71x_init.s and 71x_vect.s and that means I can't use your scatter file. Now I have running interrupts, after I copy the vector table and some more bytes as I describe before. My problem is that I get no Information about the correct number of bytes to copy. Regards Porthos2006-07-10 9:24 PM
sorry I wasn't clear in my posting. Keil do some modifikations at the ST-Lib to have easier use. We use the Keil ST-Lib with the Keil Startup file. If I want to use the original ST-Lib I have a lot of work to change my project. So I can't use your scatter file. But thats is not the problem I have. I found out that I have to copy more than the vector table (32Byte) to get my Interrupts running. It seems that behind the Vector table, there are the Address pointers of the IRQ Moduls (perhabs up to 0x000000BF), but I'm not quit sure. Can you please verify the Memory window dump I attached. Regards Porthos ________________ Attachments : Memory_Window_STR71x.jpg : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1O6&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bmK%2FOQiG1adDNTYD.uiFvzjcWCGohDKXQ_ADBChpU_foE28&asPdf=false2006-07-11 9:28 PM
Hi Zouhair,
thanks for the information. Let me recapitulate: from vector_begin to vector_end are 48 Addresse * 4 Byte = 192 (0xC0). So I have to copie the first 192 Byte from my application to RAM-mapped Address 0x00. Than I have the complete vector table running. Regards Porthos