2005-09-13 11:06 PM
Problem on USB mouse example with EWARM 430A (Error[e46])
2005-09-09 3:04 AM
I am trying to compile and execute for a STR710 the source code of the usb example provided by IAR, so it should be working straight away. I have a problem when I link the project, I get the error Error[e46]: Undefined external ''??divu32_a'' referred in rccu ( C:\USB_demo\Debug_Mouse\rccu.r79 ) I know that the linker had a bug, so I updated it, I have the latest version (4.59O). Is it another linker bug? Does anyone have the same issue? Thanks [ This message was edited by: ruliano on 09-09-2005 16:33 ]2005-09-12 2:05 AM
OK, now I've found why it didn't work,
I had to add the file dlt4painl8n.r79 in my project under WinIdea so the compiler knows it is part of the project... It was a problem with a div on 32 bits. So now I can make the project, but it still doesn't work when I load it on the eval board... Anyone has a working usb mouse project under WinIdea with IAR EWARM 430A as compiler? Thanks Julien2005-09-12 3:06 AM
I use eval board MB 393-2.04 with the probe IONE115 (rev3) from ISystem
[ This message was edited by: ruliano on 12-09-2005 17:16 ]2005-09-13 2:13 AM
take care that you put the right value in rccu.h
// Main Oscillator Frequency value = 4 Mhz #define RCCU_Main_Osc 16000000 Apart from that there is nothing you can do... it should just work. On my MB393-2.04 I had to put another usb conector because the EMI-removal circuit didn't work(it took both D- and D+ high). But maybe you are lucky and don't need to do that.2005-09-13 10:50 PM
The osc value is good. Now I'm stuck with the usb part, I receive the message ''STR71x HID Mouse demo'' on the UART, but then the program stay stuck in the routine MOUSE_init() on the loop while (pInfo->Current_Configuration == 0) NOP_Process(); I don't have any IT coming up on the USB when I plug the cable... Plus in the Frame Number Register, D+ and D- are both set to 1 at the same time when nothing is plugged... Hope it isn't the connector as Tudor said. Thanks Julien [ This message was edited by: ruliano on 14-09-2005 11:20 ]2005-09-13 11:06 PM
Hi, Julien
You remember me that you should try to download a already compiled project for the eval board. I am asking moderator a binary file of a recognised format by winIDEA Thanks, Ludo