2009-01-28 11:32 PM
Problem: compiler or microcontroller?(ST7LITE19)
2009-01-28 11:32 PM
I have a question about theory of pointer. I use ST7Lite19F and 29F. I use old compiler Hiware. I have a problem and I don't understand if it is a limit of microcontroller or a compiler problem! If I write: VarOne[MY_CONST] = VarTwo[MY_CONST] ; with: static unsigned int VarOne[2],VarTwo[2]; #define MY_CONST 1 This work!!! But if I write: static unsigned char n; and re-write: VarOne[n] = VarTwo[MY_CONST] ; I have this error: ''D:\Documents and Settings\Users\Desktop\V2.1\Build\project.prm'': ERROR L2410: Unresolved external __R_Z (imported from main.o)''D:\Documents and Settings\Users\Desktop\V2.1\Build\project.map'': INFORMATION L2203: Listing of link process to D:\Documents and Settings\Users\Desktop\V2.1\Build\project.map
ERROR L2104: Linking failed.Question: this is a problem of addressing mode or problem of compiler? It's pointer at pointer at char! It's unsupported from ST7LITE19/29F? Thanks