2002-12-04 8:26 AM
PC can not communicate with inDART ST7Lite0 design kit
2002-12-04 3:52 AM
I have the inDART ST7 design kit running a ST7FLITE09Y0B6. After following the installation instructions, I try to reset the micro and get a ''Can't communicate with target device'' error. The diagnostic tool that comes with the kit gives the same error.
The instructions indicate that the power will be supplied from the ICP interface board, however the power LED is not illuminated. There is a power connector on the board but no supply is provided with the kit. Thanks for the help2002-12-04 5:45 AM
What is the exact code of inDART-ST7? (USB or LPT)?
Are you using the inDART demo board? Have you contacted the SofTec support? (support@softecmicro.com) Bye --Piero2002-12-04 8:26 AM
Hi matthew,
I got the same problem once. Some of the Lite0 Indart kit are delivered with an old Lite0 cut which has its option byte not configured with the default setup (see ''option bytes'' paragraph in the ST7LITE0 datasheet) : the option byte is filled with 1s so the default clock selection is RC oscillator off. Therfore, an external clock signal is expected if you run your kit in ''use option bytes'' mode (see ''MCU configuration'' then settings in menu in STVD7). Since this clock is not on your board by default, you will get your error message Solution 1 : in ''MCU configuration'' then settings, configure STVD7 to run in ''ignore option bytes'' mode. Your clock is then provided by your kit. Then you are all set Solution 2 : use DataBlaze (Softec's software interface to program the device) and program the option byte so the RC oscillator is targeted. You can then go back to STVD7 keeping the same ''MCU configuration'' then settings (ie ''use option bytes'' mode) and it will work By the way, shut down STVD7 before starting DataBlaze. Sometimes, DataBlaze can not communicate with the kit because the parallel port communication has been previously used by STVD7. Solution 3 : solder an oscillator on your board. You will be all set then I notice this issue on Indart kit with ''Z'' Lite0 samples : the Z is the last letter on the trace code and based on the errata sheet it is an old silicon cut Regarding the diagnostic software, it looks like this software is dedicated to one of Softec kit called ST7F. It does not work on mine, which is an inDART-ST7FLITE0 kit. Breizh