2006-06-01 5:47 AM
2006-05-25 1:54 AM
i am using st10F269 and using c as programming language and keil compiler for compilation. i am receiving serial data at 9600 bps. after processing on the received data, i am trasmitting that data at 9600. 1. my first question is that is it possible that i can have parrallel processing i.e that reception and Transmission routine are executing in parrallel with the normal processing of data. one suggestted thing can be that :-0 i want that i define a array in which data is received and after some time i check it and again keep busy in doing processing. in the same way i put my transmission data in a array and processor transmit that data in parrallel when give signal to it in parrallel with normal processing of data. 2. my Second question is that can i have different baud rate and parity settings for serial port Transmission & Reception available in st10f269. what is the role of Peripheral Event controller. kindly provide some code examples if the above things are possible with st10f269. best regards. Hello. [ This message was edited by: Hello on 26-05-2006 05:54 ] [ This message was edited by: Hello on 31-05-2006 06:29 ]2006-06-01 5:47 AM
how can i stop the program counter not to go to serial reception or transmission routine when some data transmitted or received and i have interrupt based routine. Best regards. Hello [ This message was edited by: Hello on 02-06-2006 17:38 ]