2017-08-20 7:20 AM
my name is pini i work on new project AC/DC converter
the input is 85-265 VAC
output 12vdc/350mA
axiliry :16vdc
I work with a midcom transformer 750370024 and viper013hs
I don't how to set this transformer in simulate (how to enter the parameters)
this is EE13/7/4 but
I do not have all the
parameters of the transformerHow can i run the simulation correctly?
2017-08-21 1:21 AM
I forwarded your question directly to the Wurth Product application engineer, who can answer in the best and most complete way.
He should be in vacation, he will answer you as soon as possible.
Best regards
2017-09-05 1:35 AM
Hello Pini,
Already answer to you on private. However, I would like to also answer here in case that someone else is looking in to similar situation:
For your simulation in eDS you need the following parameters for the transformer:
From datasheet:
Main inductance: 1.6mH
Leakage inductance: ~40uH
Turns ratio Pri:Sec = 8:1 => reflected voltage = 8*12.6V=100.8V assuming a 0.6V drop voltage on the output diode.
Here are the steps though eDS that I went through:
As you can see, for the simulation purposes, the transformer internal construction is not really needed as long as the transformer parameters are given along with the condition that peak current to be lower that the transformer saturation current:
Best regards,