2016-08-18 7:47 AM
I've a problem using the Viper27L/Viper17L Spice Model in Orcad 17.2 Lite. I make the same circuit that edesign. I start the simulation and I get no simulation data for marker.
I used vpulse (not vdc) and k_linear.Any hints?ThanksAndrés2016-08-19 12:14 AM
I'm forwarding your issue, we'll answer you as soon as possible.Best regards,Patrizia BellittoeDesignSuite developers team2016-08-23 10:24 AM
any news?Thanks in advance.2016-08-24 1:14 AM
Sorry but the colleague who could answer you is still in vacation.
I'll contact him as soon as he comes back.2016-08-31 3:14 AM
Hello Andres,
we know that OrCAD v17.2 has a bug that does not allow to save the simulation data by selecting the option ''At markers only''. Are you using these settings? If yes, try to save the waveforms by using the option ''All but internal Subcircuts'' in the simulation settings.If you still experience the same problem, please send me the complete project you are trying to simulate, I will have a look to it and come back to you.Best Regards,Carmelo2016-09-06 7:22 AM
Hello Carmelo,
Thanks for your help. I had that configuration. I send you a zip. The project issimulacion_fuente.zip\simulacion_fuente\orcad\fuente.opj Best regards Andrés ________________ Attachments : simulacion_fuente.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzDv&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bIZ%2FmVJqW6AE6DGTiAqci.P5yXpXw7GVmAJvKdkXW.WZ1fE&asPdf=false2016-09-07 7:41 AM
Hello Andres,
I had a look at your design. Firstly, I noticed that the simulation was not starting correctly because to use this model it is necessary to set the option ''Initialize all flip-flops to:'' to 0 in the simulation profile (see slide #1 of the pdf attached). The usage instructions were missing in this model, I apologize for that. Then I found out that the transformer model E30_15_7_3C90 was not working correctly, causing convergence problems. I tried to run a simulation by replacing the model of the VIPER27 with a simple switch controlled by a VPULSE with constant duty cycle and I did not obtain the expected results (output voltages were not rising). I was able to simulate the circuit by replacing E30_15_7_3C90 with the K_Linear part from analog lib. You find all the updates in the attached project. If you should have convergence problems I suggest you to set the Speed Level to 4 and to set the auto-convergence option in the simulation profile (see slide #2). Finally inside the folders VIPer17_ORCAD and VIPer27_ORCAD you can find the latest versions of the models. They contains only minor changes. Feel free to contact me for further problems/clarifications. Best Regards, Carmelo ________________ Attachments : SIM_SETTINGS_ORCAD.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzBp&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bIb%2F6.ZWr46sh0gGg5bCqC54GWwibEKfe4OfWY9VGdDof.Q&asPdf=falsesimulacion_fuente_ST_update.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzDz&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bIa%2Fkv2VvPgnAyWRUWqFkLnk3lTG5KHoE.IExn9eM4__oeU&asPdf=false2016-09-08 8:34 AM
Hello Carmelo,
Thanks you for helpUnfortunately I have the lite version (75 nodes limit) so I cannot simulate the design.Is there an option to export the viper pspice model to use it in Ltspice? or Altium?Best regards Andrés2016-09-15 12:24 AM
Hello Andres,
unfortunately we don't have a version for LTSPICE or ALTIUM. We could schedule the implementation of the model for LTSPICE. Do you need it in short time?
Best Regards,
2016-09-19 7:28 AM
No, it's not necessary, but if i could have it as soon as possible it would be better. Thank you.