2008-09-26 9:54 AM
Need help with USB EP6 Tx Double Buffering
2011-05-17 12:55 AM
Please Help!
I have tried everything I can think of & have the Double Buffering working for Rx on EP1, 2, & 4. I have gotten Simple Tx for this EndPoint working for EP6 And Added all the code to do Double Buffering When I do an EP_KIND, i.e. SetEPDoubleBuff(ENDP6); // Make a Double buffer endpoint I also added the IRQ for USBHP_IRQHandler() calling CTR_HP() It all stops working! The code STOPS WORKING, I send data to USB Buffers & make them VALID I also commented out the line // _ToggleDTOG_RX(ENDP6); So that I would ALWAYS go to the proper buffers for Simple Tx Just to help verify all was working, no data is going to the Host/PC nullI put the Data in the Buffer & That Buffer ALWAYS stays VALIDWhat am I doing wrong? The Init code for EP6 // ********************************************* // Initialize Endpoint 6 IN // Transmit, Kick off the USB data to be sent // Need to change Packet/Count to > 64 // and set BLsize bit so we can TX to 512 bytes // WARNING: // DO NOT do Double Buffering for now // Simple buffering is working with all code to do Double Buffering // Do a Double buffer of 512 Bytes, 128 unsigned short // ********************************************* _SetEPAddress(ENDP6, 6); // setup USB_EP6R _SetEPType(ENDP6, EP_BULK); // Set up USB_Counter6, do Tx for Double Buffered // set Double Buffer register for larger packets // SetEPDoubleBuff(ENDP6); // Make a Double buffer endpoint SetEPDblBuffAddr(ENDP6, ENDP6_TXADDR1, ENDP6_TXADDR2); SetEPDblBuffCount(ENDP6, EP_DBUF_IN, 0); // Set Count =0 & BLsize _ClearDTOG_RX(ENDP6); _ToggleDTOG_RX(ENDP6); _ClearDTOG_TX(ENDP6); // Sets the Endpoint Tx Status as Not valid _SetEPRxStatus(ENDP6, EP_RX_DIS); _SetEPTxStatus(ENDP6, EP_TX_NAK); Now the code to load the PMA Buffer & enable it: // *********************************** // Check to do Double Buffering // Ping-Pong between the two Buffers // *********************************** if ((_GetENDPOINT(ENDP6) & EP_DTOG_RX) == 0) { // THIS IS Working // Reset buffer 0 Tx SetEPDblBuf0Count(ENDP6, EP_DBUF_IN, usUSBMirrorTailIndx); UserToPMABufferCopy(ucUSBMirrorBuffer, ENDP6_TXADDR1, usUSBMirrorTailIndx); _SetEPTxStatus(ENDP6, EP_TX_VALID); // Data Valid so USB can now Transmit it } else { // Transmit to buffer 1 Rx // Reset buffer 1 SetEPDblBuf1Count(ENDP6, EP_DBUF_IN, usUSBMirrorTailIndx); UserToPMABufferCopy(ucUSBMirrorBuffer, ENDP6_TXADDR2, usUSBMirrorTailIndx); _SetEPRxStatus(ENDP6, EP_RX_VALID); // Data Valid so USB can now Transmit it } // WARNING // NOT Toggling for NOW // FreeUserBuffer(ENDP6, EP_DBUF_IN); // Toggle DTOG Status to next Buffer /* function pointers to non-control endpoints service routines */ void (*pEpInt_IN[9])(void)={ EP1_IN_Callback, // empty routine EP2_IN_Callback, EP3_IN_Callback, EP4_IN_Callback, EP5_IN_Callback, EP6_isr, // IN EP7_IN_Callback, EP8_IN_Callback, EP9_IN_Callback,// only 9 endpoint in the STR9 };