2016-07-09 6:24 PM
I have used Viper06L (60KHz) as a buck to get 9V output, with no load I have the right output voltage. But when I connect any load (even it is light) the output voltage drops .As the load resistance decreases the output voltage decreases !!The same occurs with Viper06X (30KHz) , the output should be 5V , and it is 5V without load , but when connecting a load the output voltage decreases. One Led with a 200 ohm resistor drops the output voltage to 2.8V !!I have tried to increase the output capacitance but no change occurs . #viper062016-07-13 2:57 AM
could you please send us more info about your application?I.e., a screenshot or the report from eDesign, your board detail and some waveforms, if possible.Thanks a lot,Patrizia BellittoeDesignSuite developers team