2005-08-30 4:52 AM
Looking for examples to communicate over USB
2005-08-29 9:53 PM
We create new hardware with STR710-processor and we would like to use integrated USB to communicate to a PC.
Is there an easy examples for Keil-C to communicate some dates from and to a PC? Many thanks!2005-08-30 12:32 AM
They were using Read Developer at the beginning, the ported some examples to IAR 4.30 and now are working for Keil... I don't think there are any examples for keil yet. I don't work with them, this is what i read from the forum. If you succeed to make it work please post some example projects here. It will be easyer for you if you try to make it work with IAR first!(or even better with real developer)
2005-08-30 2:19 AM
Hi Zouth,
Thanks for the answer, I know this example, but on my Evaluationboard STR7 from Hitex it doesn't work. I do not have any external memory. STR7 use the processor STR710F2. Ist it the easiest example, what have I to do, to make it workable without ext. memory? Regards2005-08-30 4:52 AM
you will have to learn how to change the clocks and pll first. then you have to change in the example the constant for the clock... in IAR examples i have to change it from 4mhz to 16mhz for my board. This are things you should know before trying to make a usb link. then you have to see on a hyper terminal if uart works... then you know your clocks are ok(or hope to...).
After that if you have problems you will reach where I am... for me it doesn't enumerate.