2003-09-11 4:20 AM
2003-09-09 7:10 PM
I will use the 72f561 mcu with LIN communication application. Please let me know(give) the LIN application c-source codes and documents. In particular, I are going to make my unit in Master-node. Here is my company and my accounts. (until 14th Sep. because of thanksgivingday, in Korea our company's server is downed) Please reply me this mail address. company : www.e-stf.co.kr, company's email :mailto:byeongsoo@e-stf.co.kr
but, until 14th Sep please reply me this address,mailto:kimbso528@msn.com
. Bests regards. Thank you.2003-09-11 4:20 AM
There is an application note available for this i.e. AN1278 LIN (Local Interconnect Network) Solutions, downloadable from the same site.
Hope this would help.