2005-11-21 7:19 PM
2005-09-19 3:06 AM
Hello all, I have my own hardware now and I am tring to download a program to the flash memory. In my program(Keil IDE+compiler for ARM) I can see the ID of my ARM microcontroller via the JTAG port. So, there is a link from my IDE to the hardware.
However, when I try to download a simple program to the flash memory I receive the following message on my computer screen: ''Couldn't stop ARM device! Please check the JTAG cable.'' And the download is cancelled with the warning: ''Target DLL has been cancelled, Debugger aborted'' I am now looking in hardware to find any errors, but till now I find nothing. Some any idea where I should look? Thanks, Jimmey2005-09-19 3:41 AM
Hello Jimmey,
Are you using Keil ULINK as USB-JTAG adapter? There may be a problem in adapter HW. I've managed to program my own board with ULINK by a combination of reseting the target, unplugging the ULINK and restarting the uVision software. If you can, change the adapter. Regards, Hanky2005-11-01 11:44 PM
Hi Jimmey,
could you manage your problem? I am fighting with the same issue. How did you solve this? Paul2005-11-06 7:02 PM
I was using the wrong reset controller(active low reset instead of active high). Because of this the JTAG device could not pull the Reset line of the microcontroller to VCC. You should check if the reset line is logic ''high'', if so than the JTAG should be able to program or run programs. Regards, Jimmey