2005-04-19 10:12 PM
Instruction cycle and program space.
2005-04-18 5:18 PM
Hi all,
1. What options are available to check the size of my program code? 2.Since my application is time-critical, how can i measure the time taken for a function to execute? Also, what is the period for one instruction cycle? 3.How many instruction cycles will a C statement take, for example: TIM1->OCBR += 0x9C40; Warm regards, TH Ong2005-04-19 2:11 PM
If then, how can I measure the time taken by a function if my appliction is time-critical? Rgrds, TH Ong2005-04-19 10:12 PM
Hi ongth60,
As RISC said is not easy to know the execution time for ARM instructions, so if you want to measure the time taken by a function, you can use the TIMER(at the beginning and the end of the section code) to do it. Regards, Hich :o