2007-08-23 8:14 PM
Idle mode doesn't seem to work, what am I doing wrong?
2011-05-17 12:45 AM
Mirou, thanks for the demo, but unfortunately, you are using a different demo board than I am using (I've got an IAR STR912-SK rev A). The LEDs and buttons are on different ports.
Also, I found a bug in your code. As is, the code works (accidentally), but if you move any function around and change the link order, it stops working. I tracked it down to the Errata that says that you must enter Idle from a RAM function. It must be a weird condition of executing from Flash that causes the chip to crash and never exit Idle mode. For the benefit of new users, I've attached the fixed project, that builds for both Rev A and Rev ''X'' boards (what ever Mirou is using). NOTE: I still don't know what is wrong with my real application, since I have followed all of the errata and it still doesn't work.2011-05-17 12:45 AM
Hello lakata,
This limitation of exiting from Idle Mode exists in rev B and rev D. However, this problem is corrected in STR91xFA series devices. In fact, if you are using rev G or rev H, you don't need to follow this Workarounds. Thanks and best regards, mirou.