2004-05-04 5:05 AM
2004-04-26 3:02 AM
Hi, FAE from Italy here.
A customer is asking me if there is a low cost approach to the In System Programming of ST7SCR. I noticed that there is not a driver to program this micro neither in STVisualProgrammer nor in Softec Datablaze, selecting respectively ST7Stick and STX-INDART as HW tools. This is strange considering that ST7SCR is a HD flash device. More, I didn't find on STM pricelists ST7MDTS1-EPB2, is this tool available? Best Regards E.C.2004-04-26 9:21 PM
For ST7SCR the EPB is available.
The part no for EPB is - ST7MDTS1-EPB/EU, ST7MDTS1-EPB/UK, ST7MDTS1-EPB/US2004-04-28 9:17 PM
Due to it's particular structure (without RESET pin) and ICC entry mode, the ST7SCR can't be programmed by SofTec Microsystems inDART-STX, but only with our gang programmer MP8011A, which controls the Vdd line to generate a power-on reset.
Regards, Nicola2004-05-04 4:56 AM
I think it could be possible using a indart ST7F ICD to perform this task. In particular the Reset signal coming from the ICD could be used to give the Vdd to the board (by a pushpull driver as an example). And selecting ST7F62x on DataBlaze interface (it seems this microes has the same bootloader start-up as ST7FSCR).
Has anybody already done it? Regards E.C.2004-05-04 5:05 AM
The scr uses a different bootloader, the icc pins are different for a start, aswell as the actual flash register is in a differant memory location.
Flashbash currently supports the rom scr (with a reset pin). I am working on a solution for the flash variant (without reset pin). Regards sjo[ This message was edited by: sjo on 04-05-2004 17:37 ]