2004-01-07 9:08 PM
2011-05-17 2:57 AM
I seen the examples on implementing I2C master.
But I need to implement the slave side. That is because Im connecting two uPSD3234A on an I2C bus. Furthermore, what is the use of the start address that we send as the second parameter to the transmit or receive functions?2011-05-17 2:57 AM
I don't think ST have I2C slave examples, only master.
Regarding the start address - this is the memory address that you want to read/write to from the slave device. Regards sjo2011-05-17 2:57 AM
Thanks sjo,
I hope they issue it, it should be short. I have disabled the INT1 usage in the driver, would it damage the I2C operation (Im using it as GP I/O)?[ This message was edited by: steadicopter on 08-01-2004 11:15 ]