2022-08-10 4:53 AM
I would like to know where to buy the programmer and reader for the ST90T40C6 and which programmer model works.
Flavio Gomes
** personal data deleted **
2022-08-10 5:22 AM
This isn't an STM32, and is very antiquated. You likely need an ST9 programmer, or Universal Programmer, and adapter to do this. You might also need a PC or OS that is contemporary with the part.
Your alternative would be to construct something with more recent parts using documentation about programming means and methods.
2022-08-10 6:21 AM
Thank you so much for your answer.
I have several port modules used in trains that are missing the microcontroller, but I have an original part with the program, but I believe this program is protected.
The company that developed this program closed, so I need to find some company that will copy the protected program and copy it to other microcontrollers. Do you know any companies that could help me?
2022-08-10 1:23 PM
There definitely companies that do reverse engineering work, and chip extraction.
Chinese ones likely to be least costly, but might just get you a data dump, and you'll still have to find a programmer.
Perhaps you can track down the assets or former employees of this company at the time the boards/systems were manufactured. Or if anyone made newer or equivalent boards. Absent sustaining levels of business all might be lost, and re-engineering portions or parts of the design may be quite costly.
In any case a search on LinkedIn might prove interesting both for the knowledge it might uncover, and if those there went into similar companies/industry, or know who might have a stockpile or surplus devices.
Beyond that, the're perhaps eBay, or other recycling or scrap vendors.