2020-10-07 6:31 AM
Hello everyone, I really need help in using STM32Cube IDE and TrueAtollic Studio. I have searched up and down on YouTube, and I haven't found a single good video on how to use these IDE's. So I am using a STM32F030R8T6 and ST-Link V2 programmer-(https://www.amazon.in/ST-Link-V2-Automatic-Downloader-Programmer/dp/B00GD2S30S -this one) , there is a tutorial that uses this chip to learn ARM programming but uses CooCox IDE. I made my own PCB, it is not a dev board, just converts SMD to THT for breadboard use.
If you know any good video/resource that explains how to use these IDE's clearly please let me know. I am just a hobbyist, doing this for a project, out of passion, I would love to start using this chip to make amazing things, please let me know. It would be amazing if you could help and support me.
Thank you very much!
2020-10-07 7:32 AM
Sorry but this is not the correct category. Try to move the question to STM32 MCUs Q&A.
2020-10-07 7:43 AM
sure thank you