2005-02-27 9:33 PM
How can I use the timer counter without any interrupt
2005-02-24 7:05 PM
Hi, Please help me, in our application, interrupt is forbidden to use for timer. And I must change the PA7 output every 500ms.
And the below is my program, my questions is that why when we test the software, it appears that timer A spend only 250us completing roll from 0xFFFD to 0x3CAC.In theory, it should be completed in 50ms. void main(void) { ResetTimer(); TimerCounter=0; //--Read from SPI forever --------------------- do { GetTimer(); }while (1); return; // never go here, for lint } void ResetTimer(void) { U8 temp=0; /* ** Disable all interrupt of timer A ** Disable output compare and input capture mode ** Disable PWM and one pulse mode. */ TACR1 = 0x00; /* Set Timer frequency to fosc/8*/ TACR2 = 0x08; /*Set the timer enable*/ TACSR = TACSR & 0xFB ; /*See if TOF is set, this means that timer over flow then clear the TOF*/ if (TACSR && 0x20) { temp=TACSR; temp=TACLR; } /*Reset the timer counter to FFFC*/ TACHR = 0xFF; TACLR = 0xFC; return; } void GetTimer(void) { U16 CurrentTimer; U8 temp; /*Get the timer A value*/ CurrentTimer= (TACHR * 0x100) + TACLR; /*Check if timer A has run 50 ms*/ if (CurrentTimer<=0x3CAC) { TimerCounter = TimerCounter + 1; /*If program has run over 500 ms, then switch the PA7 status*/ if (TimerCounter >= 10) { /*switch the PA7*/ temp = PADR; temp = (((temp & 0x80) ^ 0x80) & 0x80) | (temp & 0x7F) ; PADR = temp; TimerCounter=0; } ResetTimer(); } return; } :o2005-02-27 9:33 PM
Hi bearjoe,
which C-compiler do you use???? Your code may result an error: /*Get the timer A value*/ CurrentTimer= (TACHR * 0x100) + TACLR; Please check the compiled assembler code of your command. Better you use the strict ANSI (valid with Cosmic compiler???) CurrentTimer = ((unsigned short)TACHR * 0x100) + TACLR; If you are using the HiWare (Metrowerks) Compiler you must (!) split your command in two commands to ensure that you read the MSByte first: CurrentTimer = (unsigned short)TACHR * 0x100; CurrentTimer += TACLR; A better optimized assembler-code (with HiWare) you'll get with the following sequence *(char*)&CurrentTimer = TACHR; *((char*)&CurrentTimer +1) = TACLR; Perhaps that's it (?) WoRo