2021-02-18 4:02 AM
I use eDesignSuite to simulate LED5000. In my application I want to use the same circuit for a variety of loads (different LEDs, different current setpoints). From individual simulations I found a set of compromise component values, e.g. 6.8uH for the inductor. Now I want to see how the circuit behaves when I change the load. However, when I change the load, the simulation is not re-run without resetting all component choices, and for some cases I am not offered the previous choice any more, e.g. only inductors from 2.2uH to 4.7uH appear in the list. How can I (1) fix component values and keep them fixed when I change the load spec and/or (2) choose component values that are not in the list of suggestions?
Many thanks for any hint!
2021-02-18 8:10 AM
Hello @GHein.1 ,
Thanks a lot for your interest in eDesignSuite. Unfortunately at the moment there is no way to block the components while you change the specification value.
In the next days we are adding the possibility to specify custom components event for LED applications. It is something already available for DC/DC designs that we are now moving to all the other modules.
Best regards,