2004-09-17 4:21 AM
How can I get the lowest power consumption ?
2004-09-14 4:12 AM
2004-09-16 3:05 PM
2004-09-17 4:21 AM
Hi Shinn,
It's evident that in order to minimize power consumption, you can program the STR71xF to switch to SLOW, WAIT FOR INTERRUPT, STOP or STANDBY mode depending on the current system activity in the application. I tried to measure STANDBY mode current and I found a near value of the one indicated in the datasheet (30 uA). This that I propose for you: 1-Be sure that you measure the power consumption for the chip and not for the board. You can use the standby pin (STDBY) to switch off all the other devices implemented in the board. 2-Be sure that your software allows correctly the passage of the chip to the standby mode. Hopefully this helps you. kind Regards, Hich