2019-01-17 1:54 AM
As you can see in the picture, I don't the ability to extract with PSpice, furthermore when I save it as .PRJ, after downloading Orcad, if I try to open the .PRJ there is nothing but a text file inside.
Text as below of the Prj file :
<eDesignStudio Description="" ver="2" app="dcdc">
<specification ver="1" designState="true" filterByIC="true">
<ic ver="1" partNumber="L5963DN-EHX" key="L5963DN-EHX:buck"/>
<ioSpec ver="2" vinMin="14" vinMax="15" vOut="12" vOut_ripple="2" iOut="1">
<output vOut="12" iOut="1" vOut_ripple="2"/>
<output vOut="3.3" iOut="0.15" vOut_ripple="2"/>
<design type="L5963" ver="1.0">
<DesignSpecs fswSelection="0" workingMode="0" fswDivisionFactor="1">
<Section fsw="NaN" ILRipplePerc="NaN" bandwidth="NaN"/>
<Section fsw="NaN" ILRipplePerc="NaN" bandwidth="NaN"/>
<Inductor ver="3" refName="L" PartNumber="ELLCTV330M" Manufacturer="Panasonic" Value="0.000033" DCR="0.05" Isat="2.2" Irms="2.2" MountType="Surface Mount"/>
<Inductor ver="3" refName="L" PartNumber="RFS1317-274KL" Manufacturer="Coilcraft" Value="0.00027" DCR="0.2367" Isat="2.2" Irms="2.05" MountType="Through Hole"/>
<Capacitor ver="5" refName="Cout" PartNumber="C1608X5R1C684M" Manufacturer="TDK" Value="6.8e-7" Type="Ceramic" SubType="MLCC" VoltageRating="16" ACCurrentRating="2" ESR_min="0.008" ESR_max="0.04" Tolerance="20" Package="" MountType="Surface Mount" maxValueChangeRatio="0.5" numParCap="1"/>
<Capacitor ver="5" refName="Cout" PartNumber="C1005X5R0J684M" Manufacturer="TDK" Value="6.8e-7" Type="Ceramic" SubType="MLCC" VoltageRating="6.3" ACCurrentRating="0.5" ESR_min="0.006" ESR_max="0.036" Tolerance="20" Package="" MountType="Surface Mount" maxValueChangeRatio="0.5" numParCap="1"/>
2019-01-17 2:02 AM
the .prj file allows you to import the project always inside eDesignSuite itself, so you can save it in your PC and share or reopen it later.
There is the possibility to export the design in Orcad, but only for few part numbers (i.e., L597x family) not for L5963.
Best regards,