2004-05-17 7:53 PM
external RAM: 16Bit-Write-Access dont work
2011-05-17 2:35 AM
hello all,
i have connected external RAM to the ST92F150CV as shown in Figure 74 in Datasheet V1.5 (MC=0). nearly everything works, even programm-execution, but 16bit-write-access doesnt work. the logic-analyzer shows, that signal E/ (from ST9::A21) and signal W/ (from ST9::RW\) dont change beetween both 8bit accesses. but the RAM needs a change, either the E/ or W/. what is wrong? thanks a lot! attached: picture from analyzer, shows first 8bit-write access and later 16bit-write-access (programm-execution from same RAM)[ This message was edited by: siggi on 04-03-2004 13:51 ]2011-05-17 2:35 AM
you can refer to AN1076 and AN1069, for external memory interface.
link ishttp://cmg.st.com/stonline/products/cmg/mcd/familiesdocs.php?FAM=16
2011-05-17 2:35 AM
hi chaps,
thanks for the application notes. everything seems to be all right. program-execution and 8bit read-write-accesses are working, even 16bit read-accesses. only 16bit-write wont work. any other hint? thanks.2011-05-17 2:35 AM
Hello Siggi,
If you are using external memory interface in mc = 0 mode. Both the signals /E and /rw should maintain the same value during the whole wirte or read cycle. (Both /rw and chip select should stay at low level in case of write cycle.) I wonder if you see any change in these signals during 8 bit write access ?? Also there seems to be some incohrence b/w the the signals shown in pic and their actual behaviour in mc=0 mode. First of all the name of the signals are different from mc= 0 mode (WEN in place of /rw and /OEN in place of /DSN). Also /WEN (/rw) signal should maintain the same value for the whole read/write access. (In case of mc =0) The one shown in the pic seems to be for mc=1. Rds, Ritu