2004-04-21 9:40 PM
2004-04-19 3:29 AM
Hey all,
Controller: ST7FLITE09 can someone tell me how I can disable my external interrupt?? I have a timer interrupt, so it's not possible to disable all Interrupts. I looked in the manual and I understood it like I have to set the Input for disable and enable So I set the Input, (PAOR7;PAOR1) for enable and if I want to disable I set it back to zero. So that they are still Inputs, but in floating mode! But it doesn't work! I tested some stuff and I think it is a problem of the interrupts! My external interrupts are one rising and one falling edge, which are connected with the transformed Line Sense Voltage. Ok, hope to hear something interesting from you! Bagus_lah2004-04-20 1:23 AM
What are the instructions you use to switch from interrupt enable to disable mode? If you are using bset and bres instructions then use it with care or simply use OR, AND instructions to modify the I/O registers.
Othercase may be you are getting the pending interrupt. [ This message was edited by: Jatin on 20-04-2004 13:55 ]2004-04-20 4:00 AM
Hey Jatin,
What are the instructions you use to switch from interrupt enable to disable mode? I use the instruction with modifieing the I/O Register. With SetBit(PAOR,0) I enable the External Interrupt 0 and disable with ClrBit(PAOR,0). Hope this is OK, for what can I use the AND instruction??? The rising edge works so far, now I have the Problem with the falling edge only mode!! If I activate the falling mode it happens the same as in the falling edge mode and in the Rising and falling mode! The Interrupts are always on if the falling edge/ low level are on the pin! When it rise up, it they'll get stopped! Hope you understand what I mean! ??? again and shorter: I set falling edge and if I come to the low level, I get every 23 mikrosec an ext0 interrupt until the high level is reached! I changed the controller with a new one and it also doesn't work! Thanks for your help and hope to get a answer again, Bagus_lah [ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von : Bagus_lah on 20-04-2004 16:44 ]2004-04-21 3:55 AM
Could you attach your code?
2004-04-21 9:40 PM
Ok here is my main code:
//Portinit PADDR = 0x7E; // PORTA: bits 1,2,3,4,5,6 (output=1)/ 0,7 Input PAOR = 0x7E; // PushPull PADR = 0x81; // Outputs 0 setzen PBDDR = 0x11; // Port B: bits 0&4 (output=1)/ 1..3 Input PBOR = 0x11; // Pullup ClrBit(PBDR,0); // PortB,1 Null setzen ClrBit(PBDR,4); // PortB,2 Null setzen // External Interruptinit sim(); // setzen des IBIT/ IR inaktiv EICR=0x09; // ei0-->pos edge / ei1-->neg edge rim(); // ruecksetzen des IBITs/ IR aktiv edge_select=0; // falling or rising edge turn SetBit(PAOR,0); // Enable pos edge / ext interrupt 0 SetBit(PAOR,7); // Enable neg edge/ ext interrupt 1 for(; { SetBit(LTCSR,0);// Watchdog reset delay SetBit(PADR,2); for(j=0;j { for(i=0;i { } } ClrBit(PADR,2); if(edge_select==0x00) // for edge_select 2-->neg.edge; 0--> pos edge { SetBit(PAOR,0); // Enable pos edge edge_select=0x01; }// if edge_select=0 if(edge_select==0x02) // neg. edge { SetBit(PAOR,7); // Enable neg edge edge_select=0x03; }// else _asm(''nop''); _asm(''nop''); _asm(''nop''); }//for Neverendingloop }//main and the interrupt code for the ext int: @interrupt void ext_1(void) { /********* external Interrupt 1 Negative Edge ************************/ SetBit(PADR,6); edge_select=0x00; // Enable for pos edge ClrBit(PAOR,7); // external Interrupt 1 disable ClrBit(EICR,1); // Set pos edge SetBit(EICR,0); // Set pos edge _asm(''nop''); // some mor nops to see it in the Oscilloscop _asm(''nop''); ClrBit(PADR,6); }// ir ext_1 @interrupt void ext_0(void) { /********* externer Interrupt 0 Positive edge ************************/ SetBit(PADR,5); edge_select=0x02; ClrBit(PAOR,0); // external Interrupt 0 disable SetBit(EICR,3); // Set neg edge ClrBit(EICR,2); // Set neg edge _asm(''nop''); // some mor nops to see it in the Oscilloscop _asm(''nop''); ClrBit(PADR,5); //Controllbit for extint0 }// ir ext_0 this is my code, I just want that the pos and the neg edge are switching of each other, so that they coming in turn. I'm really interested for the answer, thanks Bagus_lah