2006-07-05 1:38 AM
Error L6224E while compiling AN1774 under RVDK 2.1
2006-07-05 12:11 AM
i am trying to run the example2 code of AN1774. I am using RVDK 2.1 with RVDebug 1.7(build 380). When I open the example2.prj RVDebug converts it from a RVDK 2.0 to a RVDK 2.1 project. Now when i try to compile the project i get following Error: Error: L6224E: Could not place 71x_lib.o(.data) in any Execution region. I have got no clue what this means... Some advice would be fine! regards, Erwin Complete Build Output: make -f Example2_Debug.mk all c:\progra~1\arm\rvct\programs\2.1\526\st\win_32~1\armcc -c retarget.c -g --dwarf2 -o Debug\retarget.o License is dongled to RVI-ME ''retarget.c'', line 88: Warning: C2874W: may be used before being set ''retarget.c'', line 88: Warning: C2874W: may be used before being set retarget.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors c:\progra~1\arm\rvct\programs\2.1\526\st\win_32~1\armcc -c main.c -g --dwarf2 -o Debug\main.o License is dongled to RVI-ME c:\progra~1\arm\rvct\programs\2.1\526\st\win_32~1\armcc -c 71x_it.c -g --dwarf2 -o Debug\71x_it.o License is dongled to RVI-ME c:\progra~1\arm\rvct\programs\2.1\526\st\win_32~1\armcc -c 71x_lib.c -g --dwarf2 -o Debug\71x_lib.o License is dongled to RVI-ME c:\progra~1\arm\rvct\programs\2.1\526\st\win_32~1\armasm -g --dwarf2 -o Debug\71x_vect.o 71x_vect.s License is dongled to RVI-ME c:\progra~1\arm\rvct\programs\2.1\526\st\win_32~1\armasm -g --dwarf2 -o Debug\71x_init.o 71x_init.s License is dongled to RVI-ME c:\progra~1\arm\rvct\programs\2.1\526\st\win_32~1\armlink --entry Reset_Handler --scatter scat.scf Debug\retarget.o Debug\main.o Debug\71x_it.o Debug\71x_lib.o Debug\71x_vect.o Debug\71x_init.o -o Debug\Example2.axf License is dongled to RVI-ME Error: L6224E: Could not place 71x_lib.o(.data) in any Execution region. Finished: 0 information, 0 warning and 1 error messages. make: Error code 129, while making 'Debug\Example2.axf' *** Command exited with error or warning: 255