2007-09-24 4:27 AM
Erase Sector Problem -Please Help-
2011-05-17 12:46 AM
I wrote a few problem messages but no answer come. System boots from bank1.And I tried writing to bank0's sec0 a few bytes. If i call FMI_EraseSector(FMI_B0S0) func program crashes else program runs perfectly.I can't call FMI_EraseSector func. I look for help. Regards... Mehmet2011-05-17 12:46 AM
I checked the flash status register in FMI_EraseSector func.There is no problem in register but program doesn't run.Also when i called the FMI_EraseSector func if i debug(program runs step by step) there is no problem,program runs well.So i wait 500 ms in FMI_EraseSector func.It is not solution.
I wait help Regards... Mehmet2011-05-17 12:46 AM
Hi sword.
My str9 revision is D. If i call erase sector command program go in infinite loop on PAbtHandler.I tried to take flash code to ram but it was not solution. And when debug -run step by step- there is no problem.I wait 2s after erase sector command. Wait help Regards...2011-05-17 12:46 AM
Hello sword,
So thanks for your answer. I can boot from bank1 but can't erase sector. I have remapped physically the banks.But i have not used caps.I used Keil v3.05.Bank1 is at 0x00 address. In the startup file i have changed the initialization of the banks mapping as it place bank1 at 0x0, and bank0 at 0x8000. In the file flash.h(i don't use st library) i decommented the line #define Remap_Bank_1. In program all the functions from the flash.c run from SRAM. I can boot bank1 and write ban0.I checked, it is right.But when i call eraseSector(B0S0) func(erase sector 0 of bank 0) program go in PAbt_Handler for infinite loop. But when i debug (step by step run) i can erase. So thanks again, i wait your help. Best regards..2011-05-17 12:46 AM
Hello sword,
I did everythings that you said but problem keeps on. But a good thing have happened; when i closed timer int. i could erase sector. How does timer int. create flash problem? Mabe my library has a bug. I sent you required files.If you check i will be so glad you. If you send me your e-mail address i sent you project-sory the library does not belong to me- regards mehmet