2003-11-05 8:44 PM
cycle counter in st7 simulator / ice
2003-11-05 8:58 AM
i've been using the st7 for about 1.5 years nowm, but one thing i notice is that you can't count cpu cycles. - by that i mean count the cpu cycles as you single step or animate thoruough code (like you can in the mplab dev kit) Does any one know if the st simulator / emulator can do this (i'm using the dvp) any help would be appreciated. regards rob carter2003-11-05 8:09 PM
The trace records data for each cpu cycle. Does that help? If no, could you tell me which device you are using? rgds..2003-11-05 8:44 PM
This can be done in the simulator, look under ST7 Registers,Time. Regards sjo