2004-07-06 2:02 AM
2004-05-13 7:28 PM
when i complie stpc source code,it showes error because i don't define stpc_board and stpc_***=1 but i don't know where and how to define it? who know it? thanks!2004-05-18 9:14 PM
Hi Lemon,
If you look in the Makefile, you will see that the defines are done for you. And if you just run NMAKE, all the platform ROM's will be built: This is the line for the Atlas: # STPC Atlas / evaluation board $(ROMPATH)\ldr21.rom: $(SOURCES) boards\bd210.inc $(BUILD) /DSTPC_ATLAS=1 /DSTPC_BOARD=BD210 loader.asm $(CLEAN) Marty.2004-06-28 7:25 PM
i have seen that makefile,but it because of my complier, i can't complie, but when i use the pwb.exe under masm611_ bin direct i move ''ORG 10000h-LOADER_SIZE ''after ''FileStart:'' use ml /AT /Fe *.rom /DSTPC_ATLAS=1 /DSTPC_BOARD=1 *.ASM it will generate a *.rom but will put out a warning message'' _text segment exceed 64k-36'' which complier do you use? do you know chinese? my msn:mailto:xianiannian@hotmail.com
can it contact with you? tks!2004-07-01 11:55 PM
Hi Lemon,
It looks like you have the new version of the linker, which is 32-bit only. If you send me an email, I will send you the version which supports /tiny (16-bit). Regards, Martin.2004-07-06 2:02 AM
my mail:mailto:xnnchs@sohu.com