2008-03-20 9:34 PM
2011-05-17 12:51 AM
I found STR911 is so BIG power consumption...
When I power on my system, all of power consumption is already reach about 400mA, even when I disable all of peripheral, it still consume about 200mA... so when I do some event...the current reach up than 600mA...it will let system reset when I use USB power. How can I decrease the power consumption and also get good performance? Please kindly advices... Thank you very much.2011-05-17 12:51 AM
Hello tiffanychen,
Please refer to this application note available on the web under this link: www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/an/13961.pdf There is a table resuming the current consumption for different frequencies and different configurations. For high frequency Fcpu=96MHz and with all peripherals on, the current consumption is about 200mA. Power consumption in run mode can be reduced by disabling all unused peripherals and especially the PFQ/BC which consumes about 20mA at 96Mhz and by execution from RAM. Another proposition is to switch ,in your application, to idle mode. In this mode, the CPU and FMI clocks are turned off, however, you can keep running various peripherals depending on your application. Best regards, Amira.