2004-05-05 1:51 AM
2011-05-17 3:00 AM
I am writing now a boot loader and I have same difficulty. I converted a *.hex file to *.bin with an old utility. I sent this file in serial communication to the Upsd3354, and programmed it in the main FLASH. When I compare the program burned into the FLASH using “PSDsoft express� with the *.bin file, I find that they are different. Please advise. hanan2011-05-17 3:00 AM
If the ''old utility'' you're referring to is ''HEX2BIN'' by programmix it has one difference that will make a comparison between it and PSDSoft fail. If your hex file does not place any data at a certain location in memory, hex2bin outputs 0x00 for that location in the binary file. On the other hand, PSDSoft leaves those areas unprogrammed and they would therefore be 0xFF. Another thing I've found is that timing plays a significant role in how well I'm able to program the flash in my device. If I try to start performing IAP too quickly after an erase cycle completes, I don't get the data I expect. Hope some of that helps. Best Regards, phaze426