2006-10-02 7:28 PM
2006-09-20 7:25 AM
2006-09-20 9:19 PM
With the STR71x software library V3.1 you can find an example of the ADC (interrupt example). This example demonstrates how to use the ADC12 in single channel conversion mode and switch on a led connected to Port 0 according to the conversion result using the ADC12 interrupt service routine. And it work sure on the MB393B ST board. Regards, Hich2006-09-21 2:11 AM
Thank you very much Mr. Hichem.
I'll try out this ex and get back to you.. Once again thanks for your reference. Regards Sany2006-09-22 12:17 AM
Sir i am using a keyboard with a 1K pull up resistor and supply of 2.5 vold to drive this keyboard. There are 30 keys and the resistors are of 10 ohm each.However the voltage difference between each key press is 30 to 40 mV, is it correct to do so.
Kindly reply. Thanks and regrds Sany2006-09-24 9:30 PM
Hello Sany,
There is an application note (AN 1809) available on ST web page on the following link: http://mcu.st.com/mcu/modules.php?name=mcu&file=familiesdocs&fam=86. Really it is not updated since Feb 2005 but may it can give you and idea concerning your application. With best regards, Hich2006-09-25 6:15 PM
I am using the same principle,but the difference is that the resistors i chose is of same 10 ohm.I am dropping the voltage across each key using a series of 10 ohm resistors rather than 56,68,82 ohm etc as mentioned in the application note.But i am not getting accurate results.If the keys are pressedonce it gives a particular code but when pressed for many times continuously the values vary drastically.I decided to use interrupts for better performance but ''failure''. This is one of the major portion of my project and i am stuck with this also i am not in a position to dedicated more than one pin for a keyboard.
My future development is stuck up.I WANT TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.hOPE YOU CAN HELP. Regards and Thanks in advance. Sany2006-09-26 1:59 AM
Hi Sany,
I have another suggestion. Could you please verify if the interrupt vectors are mapped at address 0x00000000? With regards. Hich2006-09-26 4:34 PM
did u mean the initialisation of EIC in 71x_init.s??
well its declared as .equ EIC_Base_addr, 0xFFFFF800/* EIC base address */ i hope its correct. Sir is there any fault in the code i mailed on my first querry.Or is it the harware thats creating problem??? Please help.. Regards Sany2006-09-26 9:58 PM
Could you tell me which tool-set and which board you use to develop your example? Do you load you project in FLASH or RAM, What is the boot pin setting? BOOTCR 16bit register allows you to know which memory is mapped to address 0, BOOTCR address is 0xA0000050 0xXXX0 -> FLASH 0xXXX2 -> RAM 0xXXX3 -> EMI bank0 regards, Hich