2004-06-17 7:50 PM
accessing 64k code and 64k data with ST9163
2011-05-17 2:36 AM
I'm using today 32k code ,16k data and 16k interface with another chip in ST9 163 compact memory module when all my code is in external memory. I want more code and data memory space and as demonstrated in AN1069 (addressing up to 4 mbytes of memory from 16 bit extarnal bus) I saw that I can address 4M, The problem is that I need a little more memory and want to stay in compact memory module (64k code and 64k data). The question is can I get 64k code and 64k data all from external memory with compact memory model with 16 bit address ST? thanks in advance...2011-05-17 2:36 AM
Ideally you should be able to access 64K data (DPR mapped) and 64K code (Set CSR to this segment) from external memory in compact mode. (64K code and 64K data being the maximum limit in compact memory model.). To access more than 64K of external memory using only 16 address lines, one of the port say port2 can be configured to output the segment number. As described in AN 1069. Ritu