2006-04-27 04:16 PM
2006-04-27 04:16 PM
I have always work with 8 bits and 16 bits mainly from Microchip and ARM is really new to me. Unfortunately, I have been having a hard even trying to load the sources into the internal flash. Ia m usign the compiler from HTSoft with Emul-ARM by Nohau. I tried to e adventurous and did my own eval board. But I have tried all the following with a ST eval board that I loaned and the results were the same.
After compiling the code, I launched the tools and attempted to program the part. But it produces an error stating: Quick check on addresses: 40000000-40000003 indicates that load failed. Found value: FFFFFFFF, expected: E12FFF1E. Note: Flash programming is disabled. Cmd: Event_Message Core: 0 Date: 4/28/2006 Time: 10:39:29 AM I continue to enable the flash programing below is the message I get when attempting to load the program again: Load Failed! Verify error at 0x00000000 Block address: 40000000-400000D3. Possible explanations (Flash prog ENABLED): * The address is not pointing to Flash memory, in which case the Flash algorithm will wait forever, thus causing a timeout. * Incorrect Target Definition / flash driver. * General communication error. Cmd: Event_Message Core: 0 Date: 4/28/2006 Time: 10:41:05 AM I am sure the Target definition is correct and that there is no general communication error. There are some test utilities in the Seehau application and I can actually write some test bytes into the RAM at 0x20000000. But when I tried to write these test bytes to 0x40000000 where the Flash is located. It will fail to verify. My boot mode is set to USER:boot from internal flash throughout the entire test. I feel I might be getting something entirely wrong in the process and that I have misse out on something big. Hope someone can help because getting support from Nohau and Hitech is really frustrating. Please assume I'man idiot at this. Many thanks