2007-12-11 11:08 AM
LVD Reset does not work on STR912FA W44X6 rev G
2011-05-17 12:48 AM
We are using rev G silicon (date code 728). I have experimented with the LVD and it does not seem to work. When VDDQ falls to 3V, the external supervisor pulls RESET_IN# low, and it stays low for 120 milliseconds. When it comes high again, the STR9 will not boot. I need to do a full cold power cycle to regarding control, even if I manually pull RESET_IN# low several times.
The errata mentions that this exists in rev E silicon but that it was fixed in rev G silicon. Is this true?2011-05-17 12:48 AM
I think understand the problem. The problem is not Errata 2.10 (LVD Logic may hold reset active inappropriately) but Errata 2.14 (Flash Memory remapping).
If you use a bootloader and depend on RESET_IN using an external supervisor chip, you are out of luck, because once if you run BANK0 as the non-boot bank, then RESET is broken. Unfortunately, Errata 2.14 is not fixed.