2005-09-21 03:00 AM
2005-09-19 11:45 PM
How can I do to erase an unwanted pending interrupt? Interrupt generated by an interruptable pin...I use a Flite09 and its datasheet says: ''To clear an unwanted pending interrupt by software, the sensitivity bits in the EICR register must be modified.'' And this is my simple code: ''bset EICR,#7 bres EICR,#7 iret'' As just the program exit from interrupt routine,it come back in it because pending interrupt has not cleared....Why?? Thanks a lot for your help!!2005-09-20 08:13 PM
to help you we need more detailed information: - what is the value of EICR:bit6? - what is the level of port B0 while entering the interrupt? WoRo2005-09-20 10:58 PM
I keep EICR bit6 equal to ''1'',then the sensitivity changes from ''Rising and falling edge'' to ''Rising edge only''.The level of port B0 is always low and when a rising spike happens,then the interrupt occurs correctly....when the interrupt routine ends,the port B0 level is perfectly low and I don't understand cannot clear the interrupt pending!!! I checked the port B0 level with an oscilloscope and there aren't hardware problem,it's only a pending interrupt not cleared correctly!!!2005-09-21 12:31 AM
my only idea - if we rule out a hardware error - is, that the falling edge of your ''spike'' appeares after you've been modifiing the flag. But I see: it must take effect between ''bres EICR,#7'' and ''iret'' .... BTW: why do you select sensitivity on both edges and not only on the rising one? WoRo2005-09-21 03:00 AM
Thanx for your help,but the falling edge of my spike appears before (many ms before!!) critical point :between ''bres EICR,#7'' and ''iret''...Oscilloscope says so...
I select sensitivity on both edges and I change it immediately only for clear pending interrupts....in main code,the sensitivity is always ''only rising edge''....only at end of interrupt routine I change and re-change it for reasons described above. Thanx however WoRo