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Difference between in-circuit debugger and emulator?

Associate II
Posted on January 17, 2007 at 13:11

Difference between in-circuit debugger and emulator?

Associate II
Posted on January 17, 2007 at 08:04

What are the difference between in-circuit debugger and emulator?

or what are the limitation for in-circuit debugger ?

Associate II
Posted on January 17, 2007 at 13:11


The emulator rebuild the CPU and its peripherals inside a FPGA. From a functional point of view, you will get the same behaviour as the chip itself but not from an electrical point of view. The emulator will offer you advanced features to debug (illimited breakpoint number, complex breakpoints, trace capability, ...).

The In-Chip Debugging allow you to use the chip itself with some limited debug capabilities(limited number of breakpoints, some advanced breakpoint on some products, no trace ...). But functional and electric behaviour will be the ones of the chip itself, as this chip will be the one used on your final application.

Emulator = large debug capabilities but with a different electrical behaviour

ICD = use of the chip itself but with limited debug capabilities.

For ST7 ICD provides :

- Complex data or instructions breakpoints (up to 23 combinations)

- Abort

- Step by step

Best regards


[ This message was edited by: laubey on 17-01-2007 17:52 ]