2017-05-22 3:42 AM
I am building an electric scooter. There is a Main control system in the vehicle that will take signals from various other systems such as motor controller, battery - BMS. This data is used to perform some logical operations and also to push them via a network module like SIM808 to a back end for analytics.
The communication interfaces between the systems will be by CAN and RS232.
I am not so deft in controller selection especially automotive. Need suggestions on what i should be looking for and the steps i should take in choosing the controller for the main control system.
Thanks in advance.
#electric-vehicle2017-08-29 5:17 AM
Hello Saienn ,
Sorry for the late answer ,
you can use spc5 32 bits Automotive MCUs
you can interface very easily with SIM808 on a CAN bus.
Best regards