I'm using STM32F412 MCU connected via SPI bus to EVALSTPM33.I downloaded en.stsw-stpm002 driver from ST.All is fine till calling Metro_ApplyConfig.Metro_Write_Block_to_Device transmits default configuration correctly.Metro_Read_Block_From_Device rece...
In Datasheet Table 5 it says that the Oscillator Fail bit OF (Clock register: bit 2 of address 0Fh) starts at “1�? after initial power-up. So, in this case (or whenever when I find OF bit at “1�?) I will have to restart the oscillator by pulsing Osci...
We use the M41T93 RTC as shown in the attached schematic snippet. Occasionally, the RTC will report 0's for time and date after a power cycle. More often than not, the system retains time and date w/o issue. We are investigating possible SPI communic...
i am using SPC560B54L5 EVK board . i have implemented code for 3 CAN in project first can channel is working fine but second & third channel is not working.when i am sending message through PCAN then respective IFRL & IFRH buffer (interrupt ) has not...
I am trying to find out if I can use the sensor in a freezer environment without an waterproof enclosure?