2022-09-08 2:20 PM
For absolute orientation estimation, magnetometer serves as an important role to calibrate the angle drift.
However, it seems there is no 9-axis IMU available now.(ST LSM9D... is obsolete.)
However, for low-cost, consuming purpose 9 axis IMU: BNO055 for Bosch and ICM20948 for TDK.
Is there any issue on integration of 9-axis IMU?
Or 6-axis IMU + mag are enough for current application?
2022-09-09 7:29 AM
Hi @YCHEN.3 ,
you are basically right... the fact is that the most common application platforms don't use 9-axis any more, mainly for the reason of poor overall performances, that can be better achieved with an IMU + magnetometer separately. ST suggestion is to use a 6-axis such as LSM6DSOX and a magnetometer like LIS3MDL