2016-12-16 9:48 PM
Hi, i searched for the exact principle of the time of flight technology in internet but the answer i got was different in different websites. I bought VL53l0X sensor recently and i need the exact principle of TOF of ST's product.
2016-12-16 10:10 PM
Most of the information is in the
:Burst of infrared pulses from vertical laser is emitted in a cone shaped solid angle.
If there is an object, the reflected light beam will be sensed by the avalanche photo diod.
The distance is calculated by mesuring the time it took from emission to reception of a light pulse.
0.299792 mm per picosecond ==> 1mm correspond to ~3 ps time granularity implementation
2016-12-16 11:25 PM
And also one more doubt on Calibration. Is offset calibration done in any specific ranging mode such as long range, high accuracy and high speed?