2021-05-18 2:33 PM
2021-05-20 1:09 AM
Hi @ATorborg ,
since the MKI209V1 device is an accelerometer, the suitable commands are the ones related to accelerometer sensor.
For completeness, you can find the list of supported command in Table 2 and Table 3 of the user manual UM2116, p.12.
*setdb209V1 // recognize the proper adapter
[ *r0F // read WHO_AM_I register
*w1060 // write ODR 104Hz, FS 2g and NM operationg mode in CTRL1_XL (10h)]
*start //run continuous data acquisition
If my reply answered your question, please click on Select as Best at the bottom of this post. This will help other users with the same issue to find the answer faster.
2021-05-19 8:23 AM
Hi @ATorborg ,
yes, you can use the commands described in the Unico GUI lite software user manual, that can be send via VCOM and can be managed by an high-level software in an automatized routine.
For example:
*rAA // For reading accelerometer data
*grAA // For reading gyroscope data
*mrAA // For reading magnetometer data
*prAA // For reading barometer data
After the command is sent, the board replies with the register value: an example of the string format is “RAAhVVh�?, where AA is the address and VV is the value.
Can it be enough for your scope?
2021-05-19 11:29 AM
Hi Elean - Thanks for the reply. For starters, if I add the MK1209V1, what does I use for the "words" and "dbset" values? Thanks,Alan
2021-05-20 1:09 AM
Hi @ATorborg ,
since the MKI209V1 device is an accelerometer, the suitable commands are the ones related to accelerometer sensor.
For completeness, you can find the list of supported command in Table 2 and Table 3 of the user manual UM2116, p.12.
*setdb209V1 // recognize the proper adapter
[ *r0F // read WHO_AM_I register
*w1060 // write ODR 104Hz, FS 2g and NM operationg mode in CTRL1_XL (10h)]
*start //run continuous data acquisition
If my reply answered your question, please click on Select as Best at the bottom of this post. This will help other users with the same issue to find the answer faster.
2021-05-20 10:08 AM
I think this was enough to get me started - thanks Eleon