2021-01-19 9:03 AM
I just start to work with vg6640 image sensor.
According to the datasheet all what i need to do make it start streaming is to make sensor into STREAMING state.
I have done that, the SystemFsm register shows that i'm in the SENSOR_STREAM state and TempSensorTop/Bot register shows that sensor start heating, but Frame_Count value is not increasing and there is no frames it seems.
Can you give me any advises on the sensor start sequence?
What is the approximate sensor temperature in the streaming state?
Can you also explain how Test Pattern works? It seems like after i write into TestPatternControl register Frame_Count value becomes 0x00000032 and then 0x00000000 on the next read.
P.S. For some reasons Frame_Count register gives me 0x000000FF in Idle state, but datasheet says that it should be 0xFFFFFFFF.
2021-01-23 7:16 AM
Problem solved.
2021-01-25 1:18 AM
Hi @AYako.2 ,
glad to hear it from you!
Would you like please to go through the details of your solution? This will of course be useful for future community members.
Thank you,