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Using Motion AC library for calibrating IIS3DWB sensor with custom board

Nikhil D&K

Hello Developers,

We are developing a predictive maintenance application using ST Mems IIS3DWB sensor with out custom board having Cortex-M4 archichtetcure. Currently we have integrated Motion SP middleware to perform time domain analysis. 

But as the values are not that accurate with the refernce device readings, so we are trying to calibrate ST Mems IIS3DWB using ST's Motion AC calibration library on our custom board. So we have added the library file in our project, but on enabling the Motion AC library using initialise function the firmware gets stuck. 


So i would like to know whether Motion AC library run only on STM32 based boards ? Can the source file be made available for the same for porting it on other platforms ? Also is there any other way of calibrating IIS3DWB sensor.