2016-12-22 10:27 PM
I am new to LSM6DS3 inertial module, I am trying to use it with my arduino mega 2560, in SPI mode ,but in trouble with Z & Y axis output of the accelero meter. X axis output respond well.
Already tried to read the output raw registers with and without reading the STATUS Register, but the result remains same. I bought the breakout board from Sparkfun and made necessary changes for using this in SPI mode. Attaching my arduino code with this post.
2016-12-23 5:33 AM
Which values did you get from Y and Z axis?
I would suggest to set BDU bit in CTRL3_C to 1, to have aligned high and low part of data registers.
I see you are reading the X value twice. Is it intentional?
2016-12-23 7:43 AM
Changed the value in CTRL3_C to 0x41 , attaching the images of output values of x,y,z of accelero , all axis are tested with +1g, x gives perfect output, z and y gives some valid output when i give some knock on the table where sensor board is placed.