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The STTS22 temperature sensor gives me back 0 °C

Associate II

I am reporting below a post created in March 2023 because I did not receive any response.


Hello everyone,

after some time that I use the sensor, it gives me back a temperature value of 0 °C.

I'm using a library taken from github that I adapted to work with the STM32F407 microcontroller (can't post the link).

The sensor works well but sometimes (not always) it "fails" and gives me back the value 0 °C. To "fix" it I have to reboot the whole system. Can anyone give me an explanation? Why is this happening?

I use STM32F407 microcontroller.

Thank you.


Consider why you didn't get any responses. No code, no link to code, very little supporting information, no debugging. In short, not much to go off of.

> To "fix" it I have to reboot the whole system. Can anyone give me an explanation? Why is this happening?

Sounds like a code bug.

Can you put a logic analyzer on the SDA/SCL lines to verify the data coming through is 0 °C?

From your other post, sounds like you have some voltage issues where 3.3V drops. Did you investigate that possibility further? You can monitor VBAT voltage.

No many people here use Arduino code.

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Associate II

Thank you for your answer,
Do you know if there is an official library to drive this sensor?
Thank you.

Hi @SSerg.4 ,

Have a look at our official drivers on github that you can find here.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you for your answer,

I will test the  official drivers you have indicated.