2019-10-24 9:46 AM
LIS2DS12 has Tap detection functionality. The ODR (output data rate) has to be >=400 Hz is stated in the datasheet. In low power mode ODR of 400 Hz en 800 Hz are supported (10 bit) resolution. Is Tap detection supported in low power mode? I cannot find anything in the datasheet. It would enable tap detection at 41uA current.
2021-11-04 5:57 PM
Wanted to bump this as its an important question with seemingly no documented answer. There is a 3.5x difference in power consumption for this feature if the ODR = 400Hz HP vs ODR=400Hz LP. Can someone from ST comment on whether there is any change in performance of the Tap Feature in HP vs LP?
2021-11-05 8:51 AM
Hi @Lama , @KLock.1 ,
400Hz ODR in LP can be enough to detect the single tap, but with a lower resolution than in the high performance case.
Let me close this old thread.